Character-driven stories.

These stories track the main character(s) outer and/or inner struggle and show the beauty of personal transformation through the impact of their efforts in the world.

The Stand Together Foundation produced a series of videos with director Bobby Bailey showcasing three incredible stories of personal and collective transformation.

I first met Bobby when he came into the office on a whim looking for an editor. The video we made, The Undiscovered Path, went viral and we’ve been collaborating ever since.

Story Producer + Editor + Post Production Manager

  • Brainstormed and wrote out the story arcs with the Director

  • Edited the radio edit, all drafts and final

  • Managed the post production workflow and tasks with a small team of assistant editors

  • Accumulated and organized archival footage, current day reenactments, and relevant stock imagery

  • Organized weekly check-ins and share sessions with the team

Over 500K views on social media

Funded by Independent Lens, “The Tale of Two North Carolina Rural Sheriffs", tells the story of two sheriffs and their choices to manage growing jail populations.

I really enjoy collaborating with producer and director Dilsey Davis who always seems to find work that promotes justice and equality.

Editor + Post Production Manager

  • Edited the radio, picture, and final version

  • Managed the post production workflow and media management

  • Organized weekly check-ins and share sessions with the team

News, Thousands of views on social media

Project-driven stories.

When a project has entered a certain phase in its development it can become it’s own character moving and influencing the world around it. These stories follow the growth of that influence.

The Working Nation funded, “How to Make Money Doing What You Love”, a three part series which highlights little-known jobs in the “big” industries that teens can’t get enough of, providing kids with a foreseeable future into the career field of their dreams.

Another fun project with Marc & Marc as we always bring a ton of hype and excitement to our projects together.

Story Producer + Editor + Post Production Manager

  • Scripted and edited the radio, picture, and final versions

  • Managed the post production workflow and media management

  • Set up weekly check-ins and share sessions with the team

Over hundreds of thousands of views on social media

MicDrop Creative, led by Susanne Robinson and Vanessa Alava, is a company that focuses on amplifying voices, inspiring innovation, and strengthening human connection. The following series was created as a tool to build empathy for topics around health equity, LGBTQ+ veterans, and women veterans.

Sue and Vanessa are wonderful producers and directors to work with as their sensitivity and care is not only attuned to the subject matter but also to the creation process as well.

Story Producer + Editor + Post Production Manager

  • Brainstormed and edited the radio edit with the Directors

  • Managed and reviewed the picture edits and final edits

  • Managed the post production workflow and tasks with a team

  • Organized weekly check-ins and share sessions with the team

Abt Associates and USAID aim to improve the quality of life and economic well-being of people as well as promote a peaceful and prosperous world.

I’ve edited many of their videos when working at DDC International and I choose these four because of how exciting and interesting it is to share stories from across the world. These also really mark where I learned the short story format.

Story Producer + Editor

  • Brainstormed story content and arc with the Producer

  • Edited the radio, picture, and final versions

  • Managed the post production workflow and media management

  • Created the text and lower third graphics

Over thousands of views on social media

American Forests aims to create healthy and resilient forests, from cities to large natural landscapes, that deliver essential benefits for climate, people, water and wildlife.

These videos were some of my favorite to work on because I got to combine my love of the natural world with my love for storytelling.

Director + Cinematographer (Restoring Habitat in LRGV)

Director (Kids Love Trees!)

Story Producer + Editor (for all the videos)

  • Worked with the Producers to create story outlines and scripts

  • Blocked out scenes and found locations

  • Filmed in exotic wildlife habitats

  • Edited the radio, picture, and final edits

  • Managed the post production workflow and media management

  • Organized weekly check-ins and share sessions with the team

Over thousands of views on social media

RTI International is an independent, nonprofit research institute dedicated to improving the human condition by turning knowledge into practice.

My good friend and talented filmmaker Adam Booher and I decided to take a more light-hearted approach to the edit and we’re really happy with the way it turned out.

Story Producer + Editor

  • Brainstormed story ideas and outlines

  • Edited the radio, picture, and final edits

  • Managed the post production workflow and media management

  • Created the text graphics, subtitles, and lower thirds

The Chorus Foundation works for a just transition to a regenerative economy in the United States and their videos are an important part of bringing awareness to the public.

Chris Landry produced this piece and we’ve gotten to collaborate on a few other projects together since. It’s always nice when I get to work with Jafar Fallahi’s footage but it was a fun challenge finding and building out the intro with the right kind of archival moments.

Story Producer + Editor + Post Production Manager

  • Brainstormed story ideas and outlines

  • Edited the radio, picture, and final edits

  • Managed the post production workflow and media management

  • Created the text graphics, subtitles, and lower thirds

In many African countries, radio is the most efficient and cost-effective method of spreading knowledge, especially among rural farmers and villagers. To reach these isolated communities, IUCN partnered with Farm Radio International in Uganda to produce a radio programme on forest landscape restoration.

I hold this project dear to my heart because I was able to visit Uganda, meet the amazing people and hear their stories, see the beautiful countryside, and eat some delicious local food. This was everything I imagined filmmaking to be and I was able to help in all of it’s phases.

Field Producer + Story Producer + Cinematographer + Editor + Post Production Manager

  • Created the story outline and interview questions

  • Conducted the interviews

  • Filmed both the interviews and the broll

  • Edited the radio, picture, and final versions

  • Managed the post production workflow and media management

The North Carolina Museum of History is a wealth of artifacts from six centuries, encompassing a broad range of objects that help interpret the state’s rich history.

I get really excited about history and what we can learn from it. This short video was fun to design and move in and out of the past and present.

Story Producer + Editor + Post Production Manager

  • Brainstormed story ideas and outlines

  • Edited the radio, picture, and final versions

  • Managed the post production workflow and media management

  • Created the text graphics, subtitles, and lower thirds

CRS is motivated by the example of Jesus Christ to ease suffering, provide development assistance, and foster charity and justice.

This project was produced and filmed by Jack Gordon, who I had the privilege to work with on many similar uplifting stories. This is one of those videos that was clear fro the beginning and sort of edited itself.


  • Edited the radio, picture, and final versions

  • Helped envision and execute the graphic animations

  • Managed the post production workflow and media management

  • Created the text graphics, subtitles, and lower thirds

NOAA is an agency that enriches life through science, from the surface of the sun to the depths of the ocean floor they work to keep the public informed of the changing environment around them.

James Foguth, who filmed this video, and is now owner and director of Nizhoni Films, we set out to capture this story about the increase of dust storms in New Mexico. Telling stories about science is incredibly rewarding. Not only do you learn something amazing about the natural world but then you get to share that amazement right back with the people in the world.

Field Producer + Story Producer + Editor

  • Created the story outline and interview questions

  • Conducted the interviews

  • Edited the radio, picture, and final versions

  • Helped envision and execute the graphic animations

Idea-driven stories.

These stories place more importance on an intriguing idea and can be abstract, usually following the actions for developing that idea often communicated by 2 or more characters.

The School of Mythopoetics led by talented filmmaker Ian MacKenzie hired me to do these two videos made almost entirely of stock imagery, music, and sfx.

The director, Ian MacKenzie, allowed a lot of freedom to explore the story devices, tone, and transitions and it was a refreshing experience to get lost in the imagination.


  • Laid down the VO tracks and added music to create the flow and rhythm

  • Organized and selected from hundreds of videos clips, sfx sounds, and music tracks

  • Edited the radio, picture, and final versions

Thousands of views on social media