NOSSA CHAPE, a full feature documentary, directed by Emmy Award-Winning filmmakers, Michael and Jeff Zimbalist, is an inspirational story about the aftermath of surviving a plane crash high in the Columbian mountains.

Luis Dechtiar was a fearless leader on the editing floor and I learned a lot from his skill and mastery of crafting a story. He’s a gracious teammate and I’d work with him on any project , film or other.


  • Worked with my good friend and editor, Luis Dechtiar, to put together this film from script to final

  • Communicated on story ideas with the team

  • Set up innovative workflows to be as efficient as possible with editing time

  • Oversaw media management, including setting up a local server with 4 connection points

  • Managed and distributed the post production tasks for the assistant editors

AWARDS: SXSW Film Festival Selection, Best Picture LAFA August Award, Silver Award Winner Spotlight Documentary Film Awards, El Gouna Film Festival Golden Star Nominee


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