NOSSA CHAPE, a full feature documentary, directed by Emmy Award-Winning filmmakers, Michael and Jeff Zimbalist, is an inspirational story about the aftermath of surviving a plane crash high in the Columbian mountains.
Luis Dechtiar was a fearless leader on the editing floor and I learned a lot from his skill and mastery of crafting a story. He’s a gracious teammate and I’d work with him on any project , film or other.
Worked with my good friend and editor, Luis Dechtiar, to put together this film from script to final
Communicated on story ideas with the team
Set up innovative workflows to be as efficient as possible with editing time
Oversaw media management, including setting up a local server with 4 connection points
Managed and distributed the post production tasks for the assistant editors
AWARDS: SXSW Film Festival Selection, Best Picture LAFA August Award, Silver Award Winner Spotlight Documentary Film Awards, El Gouna Film Festival Golden Star Nominee